Proverbs 10 During the months that have 31 days, we will study through Proverbs. There are 31 Proverbs, one for each day and plenty of wisdom to help us grow in our knowledge of God, self and others. Questions to consider when reading a Proverb: How is God calling me to respond to this knowledge? Do I need to confess and repent of any sin in my life that is keeping me from living in unity with God and others? What are my next steps after reading this? Always start and close your time of reading the Bible with prayer and remove distractions that can keep you from truly focusing. October 9, 2019 Proverbs of Solomon 10 The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother. 2 Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death. 3 The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry, ...