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Showing posts from August, 2020

Pinterest Party

 Pinterest...      We would love for you to help us find new craft ideas and images for Instagram. Have you checked our our Think Pink Inc Pinterest? There are so many fun and faith filled things you can do.  Look up your favorite Bible verse on Pinterest and send us a pin of it that we can use on social media.  Think Pink Inc Pinterest


Trust... Is it easy for you to trust people? How about God? What does it mean for you to trust in the Lord with all your heart? Think and pray on that today. Ask the Lord to help you trust him with your whole heart. You will find that He alone is truly and fully trust worthy. Proverbs 3:5  

New Podcast Today- Linda Withers

New Podcast  We had a special guest Linda Withers today on the Podcast.  Podcast Link For more information about her ministry, check out her website. A note from Linda.... My book "Journey - Walking into the Heart of Jesus" is a great Devo for individual or group. The book is a challenge to allow the reader to begin to explore hearing from God in new and creative ways as well as an invitation into emotional and spiritual wholeness through intimacy with Christ. You can find it online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble or purchase from me by emailing

New Podcast Today

Orphan Outreach  New Podcast for moms today!! For more information about Orphan Outreach, visit You and your family can sponsor a child and make a huge difference in their life!! 

Be Careful...

 Be Careful... Have you ever heard "you are what you think"....I am not sure that this is totally true but I do think that our thoughts impact who we are and how we act. This week, we are working on thoughts and making sure that the negative untrue thoughts are not running our lives. Spend some time in prayer today, centering your thoughts. You could also spend some time listening to your favorite worship music. Music always helps me help my thoughts in line with the truth of God. If you need some music to listen to, check out our YouTube Channel . 

May all your thoughts...

 May all your thoughts... "May all my thoughts be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord." Psalm 104: 34 NLT This week, remember to listen for the voice of God as He speaks to you through your thoughts BUT don't let the voices of others be louder than His.  Lord, Help me to out you up front, in the driver's seat, in my thoughts so that I can keep on the right track. Amen. 

Here is a month of verses for you...

 Check these 31 verses out... We want to know what you learn and how you grow in grace.

For this reason...



 Whatever... Do you use the word "whatever"? Maybe in a way that is sassy?Sometimes we use the word "whatever" in a way that means we really don't care. BUT in today's scripture verse from Philippians 4:8, we see it means we really should about what we put in our minds.   Finally, sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV It is the non sassy way to use "whatever"because you are focusing on the good things of God. If you can get your mind in line, your actions will follow. So think on "whatever" is true today and don't let lies enter your mind.  <>< LMW 

You and Your Thoughts

 You and your thoughts... "You (God) will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!" Isaiah 26:3 NLT This is a great verse to help center you as you begin a new school year. I know for many of you, it looks so different but if you keep your thoughts fixed on God, you will have the gift of peace from Him to see you through whatever ever challenges and new adventures you have this fall.  <>< LMW 

Love is...

Love is...