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Lenten Song- I Just Need You- Toby Mac

I just need you...

I Just Need You- Toby Mac- Music Video

Last night put the heavy on me
Woke up and I'm feeling lonely
This world gotta a way of showing me (showing me)
Some days it'll lift you up
Some days it'll call your bluff
Man, most of my days I ain't got enough
And all I know
Is You're my only hope
When I'm up when I'm down (uh, huh)
When the wolves come around (tell me)
When my feet hit the ground
I just need, I just need You
On my darkest days (uh, huh)
When I'm losing faith (tell me)
No, it ain't gon' change
I just need, I just need You
Lord, I need You
Yeah, I just need You
Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me
Thy rod and thy staff
They comfort me when I'm beat down, broken
Hold my heart when it's split right wide open
Turn these eyes to my Soul Protector
Break the will of this born infector


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