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Sappy Saturday

Hello Girls!

I hope this post finds you having a relaxing Saturday. It has been an interesting last 24 hours for me where I have been having to lean into the Lord to give me direction and peace. I may have shed a few tears wrestling with a tough decision. 😉

Proverbs 2 described my current situation...and maybe some of you can relate.

"My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding." Proverbs 2:1-3 NLT

Sometimes, things don't make sense. Sometimes, we know what we need to do but it's not easy. In those moments, I encourage you to lean into God, to cry out for insight and to trust that you will have all of the strength you need to do what is wise and what is right. It may seem hard but in the end you will be saved from walking down a path that could harm your heart with unwanted consequences.

The Prayer:
Father God, Thank you for hearing me when I cry out. Thank you for giving me the good gifts of wisdom, understanding and especially insight into the bigger picture that you are beautifully drawing out. Help me to trust in you and to run to you instead of attempting to hide. I love you Lord. Amen.

💕 If you are in need of prayer, submit a request and we will be praying for you.
On this journey with you, LM💕


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