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Sunday Self Care

What are you favorite Sunday traditions? 

I have to be at work at 7:30am most Sundays and I always look forward to a yummy lunch followed by an epic nap. The nap is very important and has been my tradition since I was a teenager attending my church in Pasadena, Texas. 

I also prepare for the week ahead on Sunday evenings. I plan out my schedule, prepare meals for the week and try to get my head on straight for what lies ahead. 

What are your Sunday traditions? How do you plan for the week ahead and take care of yourself? 

The challenge: Pick out a Bible verse for this week. Write it down somewhere or take a picture of it. Memorize it and say it every day. You will be amazed at how God speaks to you and how you see him at work in your life. What will your verse be this week? 

This is my verse for the week and I am happy to share it with you...
She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25 

The Prayer: Lord, help me as I prepare for this new week to make you a priority and to take care of myself in a way that allows me to not just survive the week but to thrive in it. Lord, I am looking forward to seeing how you move in my life this week. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Keep Thinking PINK,


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