Picture this: a pregnant, unwed teenage girl, running into the desert to escape cruelty and abuse. Then, almost two decades later, the same woman and her now teenage son, sent out into the desert by the boy’s father to go anywhere but here. Both times, death is right next to them, breathing his hot breath down their necks. Both times, she cries out for help. Both times, she and her son are saved. Twice she and her son are given a second chance at life. This woman, named Hagar, is from the Book of Genesis, chapter 16 and 21. She was a servant to Abraham and Sarah and let’s just say, there was a ton of drama around this whole situation. It was a hot mess! It was also a completely different culture, time and place, so we have to consider that fact. But in the end, drama is drama and it can lead to some pretty disastrous circumstances, whether it’s 1600 B.C. or 2019 A.D. There is a lot to be said about Hagar but I want to focus on the fact...