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Showing posts from April, 2020


Finally, sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Philippians 4:8 Make a list and place at least one thing next to each word- as you reflect on your current situation. True Noble Pure Lovely Admirable Excellent Praiseworthy Remember to think on the good things in your life. It is easy to become overwhelmed with what is not good. There is usually more good than bad. Prayer: Lord, thank you for scripture that focuses our minds on the good gifts you have given us. Help us to see the good more than we see the things we are not happening the way we want them to. Change our hearts and focus our minds. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Confidence Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 Confidence, Hope and Assurance...That is what today's verse shows us about faith. They are the fruit of faith. I think we all need this fruit in our lives. I know this season of life is strange and uncertain in many ways but God has not abandoned us. Have faith, an unshakable faith. If you need help- just ask Him! Prayer: Opportunities to trust you are opportunities for me to grow unshakable faith in you. So, Lord, I thank you for the unfamiliar, uncertain, and difficult times. When I see you work, I see once again Your trustworthiness. Amen. .............................. Confianza Ahora la fe es la confianza en lo que esperamos y la seguridad de lo que no vemos. Hebreos 11: 1 Confianza, esperanza y seguridad ... Eso es lo que el versículo de hoy nos muestra sobre la fe. Son el fruto de la fe. Creo que todos necesitamos esta fruta en nuestras vidas. ...

Absolute Truth

Absolute Truth I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 Prayer: Lord, You are the way, the truth and the me this Holy Week to embrace all that you are. Help me to embrace your life, death and ultimately your resurrection. Thank you for the resurrection found in you- that I get to take hold of this gift of eternal life. Amen. ............................ Verdad Absoluta Yo soy el camino, la verdad, y la Vida. Nadie viene al Padre sino por mí. Juan 14: 6 Oración: Señor, Tú eres el camino, la verdad y la vida ... ayúdame en esta Semana Santa a abrazar todo lo que eres. Ayúdame a abrazar tu vida, muerte y finalmente tu resurrección. Gracias por la resurrección encontrada en ti, que puedo aferrarme a este regalo de la vida eterna. Amén.


Freedom It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 Friends- it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, be confident and move forward in the new story that God is writing for your life. Don't stay stuck in the old story...embrace the new. Prayer: Lord, thank you for creating me to live free and help me to walk in that freedom each day. Amen. ...................... Libertad Es por la libertad que Cristo nos ha liberado. Permanezcan firmes, entonces, y no se dejen cargar nuevamente por el yugo de la esclavitud. Gálatas 5: 1 Amigos, es por la libertad que Cristo nos ha liberado. Manténgase firme, tenga confianza y avance en la nueva historia que Dios está escribiendo para su vida. No te quedes atrapado en la vieja historia ... abraza la nueva. Oración: Señor, gracias por crearme para vivir libre y ayudarme a caminar en esa libertad cada día. Amén.

How Faith Grows

How faith grows... Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kinds. James 1:2 Joy and trials are in the same sentence...think on that. I dare say we need trials to experience true joy. Prayer: Lord God, when I go through trials, help me to hang tough so my faith grows stronger and my trust in you in made complete. Lord, I know you are doing something good. Thank you. Amen. ........................ Cómo crece la fe ... Considérelo pura alegría, mis hermanos y hermanas, cuando enfrentan pruebas de muchos tipos. Santiago 1: 2 La alegría y las pruebas están en la misma oración ... piensa en eso. Me atrevo a decir que necesitamos pruebas para experimentar la verdadera alegría. Oración: Señor Dios, cuando atraviese las pruebas, ayúdame a aguantar para que mi fe se fortalezca y mi confianza en ti se complete. Señor, sé que estás haciendo algo bueno. Gracias. Amén.

Christ in You!

Christ in You! I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20 Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of your Spirit. Thank you for helping me to realize that I am not in this life alone. Amen. ...................................... Cristo en ti! He sido crucificado con Cristo y ya no vivo, pero Cristo vive en mí. Gálatas 2:20 Oración: Gracias, Señor Jesús, por el don de tu Espíritu. Gracias por ayudarme a darme cuenta de que no estoy solo en esta vida. Amén.


Designed... For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Ephesians 1:4 God has created you and you have special gifts and an assignment in this world. Prayer: Creator God, please show me what you designed me to do for Your kingdom. I want to fulfill Your special assignment for me. Amen. .................................................. Diseñado... Porque él nos eligió en él antes de la creación del mundo para ser santos e irreprensibles a su vista. Efesios 1: 4 Dios te ha creado y tienes dones especiales y una tarea en este mundo. Oración: Dios Creador, muéstrame para qué me diseñaste para tu reino. Quiero cumplir Tu tarea especial para mí. Amén.

Free to Run

You are free to run... "Sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace." Romans 6:14 Be honest with yourself as you deal with your sin and cast it aside. God always will forgive you, but- in His strength you need to confess and then drop the things that are holding you back from all the life He has prepared for you. As you shed what's weighing you down, you will know what's its like to run freely. Prayer: I praise You, Lord, for grace that forgives me, that empowers me to turn away from sin and run this race of life glorifying You in all I say and do. Amen. "El pecado ya no será tu amo, porque no estás bajo la ley, sino bajo la gracia". Romanos 6:14 Sé honesto contigo mismo al lidiar con tu pecado y dejarlo de lado. Dios siempre te perdonará, pero, en su fortaleza, debes confesar y luego dejar caer las cosas que te detienen de toda la vida que ha preparado para ti. A medida que pierdas lo que te está agobiand...

No Darkness...

God is light! God is light: in him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5 Jesus wants to shine brightly through you. So let's agree to shine brightly together today! Allow God's light to shine through you wherever you are! Prayer: Thank you, God, that because You are the light of the world, I can also be the light of the world. I choose to shine brightly today and be a beacon of hope to everyone around me. Amen. Dios es luz: en él no hay oscuridad en absoluto. 1 juan 1: 5 Jesús quiere brillar a través de ti. ¡Así que aceptemos brillar juntos hoy! ¡Deja que la luz de Dios brille a través de ti donde quiera que estés! Oración: Gracias, Dios, porque tú eres la luz del mundo, yo también puedo ser la luz del mundo. Elijo brillar hoy y ser un faro de esperanza para todos los que me rodean. Amén.


Impossible is where God starts! What is impossible with man is possible with God. Luke 18:27 Trust that God is bigger than any problem that needs solving, any enemy or difficulty. There is nothing our God cannot do. In our walk with Him, we learn to embrace that there is nothing he cannot do but there is beauty is trusting Him when he doesn't do the thing you want Him to do. Prayer: Lord God, help me trust you, obey you, and put more faith in you. Amen.