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Showing posts from May, 2020

May 29, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 Lord, Thank you for the gift of your love. Your loves shows me how to live my life and treat others. Help me to reorder my life in a way that allows me to do all things in love. Amen.  ................ Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Deja que todo lo que hagas se haga con amor. 1 Corintios 16:14 Señor, gracias por el regalo de tu amor. Tus amores me muestran cómo vivir mi vida y tratar a los demás. Ayúdame a reordenar mi vida de una manera que me permita hacer todas las cosas con amor. Amén.

May 28, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures. 1 Chronicles 16:34 Make a list of the the ways in which you have experienced the goodness and love of God. Use this list to pray a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord. ................. Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Da gracias al Señor porque Él es bueno, su amor perdura. 1 Crónicas 16:34 Haga una lista de las formas en que ha experimentado la bondad y el amor de Dios. Use esta lista para rezar una oración de acción de gracias al Señor.

May 27, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 Prayer: Thank you Lord for your love that teaches me how to love others. Show me how to love those who are not easy to love. Teach me to love my enemies and to grow in patience. Help me to embrace your love and share it with those you place in my life. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.  ................ Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Amamos porque el nos amo primero. 1 juan 4:19 Oración: Gracias Señor por tu amor que me enseña a amar a los demás. Muéstrame cómo amar a los que no son fáciles de amar. Enséñame a amar a mis enemigos y a tener paciencia. Ayúdame a abrazar tu amor y compartirlo con aquellos que colocas en mi vida. En el Nombre de Jesús oro, Amén.

May 26, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... I will give thanks to the Lord withy whole heart. Psalm 9:1 Write a prayer of thanks to the Lord today. ............ Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Daré gracias al Señor con todo el corazón. Salmo 9: 1 Escribe una oración de agradecimiento al Señor hoy.

May 25, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... For I know the plans I have for you. Jeremiah 29:11 Do you trust the plans God has for you or do you try to run ahead and make your own?  Say a prayer today of surrender...trusting God with your next steps and all that is in your future.  ..................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Porque sé los planes que tengo para ti. Jeremías 29:11 ¿Confías en los planes que Dios tiene para ti o intentas correr y hacer los tuyos? Reza hoy una oración de rendición ... confiando en Dios con tus próximos pasos y todo lo que está en tu futuro.

May 24, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... She is more precious than rubies. Proverbs 3:15 This verse makes me think about the importance of seeing yourself as worthy and others. In God's eyes you are precious BUT so are all the other people you come in contact with. If you need help seeing other people the way God sees them, ask for His help. Spend some time today offering words of affirmation to others and as always being full of grace towards yourself.  Prayer for today: Dear Lord, help me to see others the way you see them. Remind me that they are precious in your site. Help me remember my worth as well. In Jesus Name, Amen.  ............ Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Ella es más preciosa que los rubíes. Proverbios 3:15 Este versículo me hace pensar en la importancia de verte a ti mismo como digno y a los demás. A los ojos de Dios, eres preciosa PERO también lo son todas las demás personas con las que entras en contacto. Si necesita ayuda para ver a ...

May 23, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11 What is unfulfilled or unfinished in your life? Are you waiting on something? Are you having a hard time seeing the beauty and blessing in a season of unknown. Today, pray a prayer in faith. Trust God to make it beautiful in its perfect time. Hand over whatever if troubling you to Him today.  Sample Prayer: Lord, I am having trouble seeing the beauty in this or seen how you will make this bad thing good but I am going to trust you. Please increase my faith and understanding. Give me wisdom and insight so that I can see what you are doing. Amen.  .................. Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Él ha hecho todo hermoso en su tiempo. Eclesiastés 3:11 ¿Qué es lo que no se cumple o no se termina en tu vida? ¿Estás esperando algo? ¿Le está costando ver la belleza y la bendición en una temporada desconocida? Hoy, reza una oración en fe. Confía en Dios pa...

May 22, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... Rise up and pray. Luke 22:46 Whenever you wake up, remember to pray. Whenever you stand up after sitting for a long time, say a prayer. I like to pray when I brush my teeth. Clean mouth and clean heart.  Today, pray.  ............... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Levántate y reza. Lucas 22:46 Cada vez que te despiertes, recuerda orar. Cada vez que te levantes después de estar sentado por mucho tiempo, di una oración. Me gusta rezar cuando me cepillo los dientes. Boca limpia y corazón limpio. Hoy reza.

May 21, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 In your prayer time today- thank the Lord for this day and then be specific in what you are glad about. ................. Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Este es el día que hizo el Señor, regocijémonos y alegrémonos en él. Salmo 118: 24 En tu tiempo de oración hoy, agradece al Señor por este día y luego sé específico en lo que te alegra.

May 20, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 Prayer: Lord, help me to trust that with you, all things are possible. Give me the gift of knowing what good things you desire for me. What good things are possible? Open my eyes and heart today. In Jesus Name, Amen. ............................. Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Con Dios todo es posible. Mateo 19:26 Oración: Señor, ayúdame a confiar en que contigo todo es posible. Dame el regalo de saber qué cosas buenas deseas para mí. ¿Qué cosas buenas son posibles? Abre mis ojos y mi corazón hoy. En el nombre de Jesús, amén.

May 19, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... The joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10 My prayer for you today... May the joy of the Lord be your strength today. Amen. ......................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... La alegría del Señor es mi fuerza. Nehemías 8:10 Mi oración por ti hoy ... Que la alegría del Señor sea tu fortaleza hoy. Amén.

May 18, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... I will walk by faith even when I cannot see. 2 Corinthians 5:7 Listen to this song and let it be your prayer today.  I Will Walk By Faith, Jeremy Camp Lyrics:  Would I believe you when you would say Your hand will guide my every way? Will I receive the words you say Every moment of every day? Well I will walk by faith Even when I cannot see  Well because this broken road Prepares your will for me Help me to win my endless fears You've been so faithful for all my years With one breath you make me new Your grace covers all I do, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah Well I will walk by faith Even when I cannot see  Well because this broken road Prepares your will for me Well I'm broken, but I still see your face Well you've spoken, pouring your words of grace Well I will walk by faith Even when I cannot see  Well, because this broken road Prepares your will for me Well I will walk by faith Even when I cannot see  O...

May 17, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... Whatever you do, do it with all your heart. Colossians 3:23 Use this scripture to write a prayer to God today. Read it several times, sit with it and breath. ................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Hagas lo que hagas, hazlo con todo tu corazón. Colosenses 3:23 Use esta escritura para escribir una oración a Dios hoy. Léelo varias veces, siéntate y respira.

May 16, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... Use this scripture to write a prayer today.  Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits, God of our salvation. Psalm 68:19 ................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Usa esta escritura para escribir una oración hoy. Bendito sea el Señor que diariamente nos carga de beneficios, Dios de nuestra salvación. Salmo 68:19

May 15, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 Prayer: Lord, Still my soul and align my heart with yours. Remind me of your presence and of who you are. You are the Great I Am! Amen.  ................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Quédate quieto y sabe que soy Dios. Salmo 46:10 Oración: Señor, tranquiliza mi alma y alinea mi corazón con el tuyo. Recuérdame tu presencia y quién eres. Eres el gran yo soy! Amén.

May 14, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... He shields all who take refuge in Him. Psalm 18:30 Prayer: Thank you Lord for the refuge I find in you. Help me to run to you instead of away from you when I am overwhelmed or stress. Help me to discover new ways to find refuge in you and to embrace your promise of shielding me. Amen. ............................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Él protege a todos los que se refugian en él. Salmo 18:30 Oración: Gracias Señor por el refugio que encuentro en ti. Ayúdame a correr hacia ti en lugar de alejarte de ti cuando estoy abrumado o estresado. Ayúdame a descubrir nuevas formas de encontrar refugio en ti y a aceptar tu promesa de protegerme. Amén.

May 13, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Prayer: Lord, I thank you for ........ and for the gifts of joy you give me that help me too push through the hard times. Help me to remember to pray to you and to have a grateful heart. Amen.

May 12, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still. Exodus 14:14 Prayer: Lord, Please fight for me and help me to be still in this time of waiting. Increase my trust in you and remove my doubts. Amen.  ................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... El Señor peleará por ti solo necesitas Estate quieto. Exodo 14:14 Oración: Señor, por favor lucha por mí y ayúdame a estar quieto en este tiempo de espera. Aumenta mi confianza en ti y elimina mis dudas. Amén.

May 11, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... "Do justly, love mercy and walk humbly." Micah 6:8 Prayer: Lord, help me to do justly, love mercy and two walk humbly with you. Don't let me get too big and I make you too small in my life. I pray that you will give me. heart like you. Amen.  ......................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... "Haz justicia, ama la misericordia y camina humildemente". Miqueas 6: 8 Oración: Señor, ayúdame a hacerlo con justicia, ama la misericordia y camina con humildad. No me dejes crecer demasiado y te hago demasiado pequeño en mi vida. Rezo para que me des. corazón como tu Amén.

Happy Mother's Day

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her. Luke 1:45

May 9, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... "I am with you always." Matthew 28:20 Prayer: Lord, help me to remember that you are with me always. Amen. .................. Orando a través de las Escrituras ... "Estoy contigo siempre." Mateo 28:20 Oración: Señor, ayúdame a recordar que siempre estás conmigo. Amén.

May 8, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture.. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 Prayer: Lord, Help me wot trust you with my whole heart and to not lean on my own limited understanding. I know you see the big picture and have my best in mind. Amen. ....................... Orando a través de las Escrituras. "Confía en el Señor con todo tu corazón y no te apoyes en tu propio entendimiento". Proverbios 3: 5 Oración: Señor, ayúdame a confiar en ti con todo mi corazón y a no apoyarme en mi propia comprensión limitada. Sé que ves el panorama general y tienes lo mejor en mente. Amén.

May 7. Praying Through Scripture

May 7, Praying through scripture Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 ............................ 7 de mayo, orando a través de las Escrituras Enséñanos a contar nuestros días, para que podamos obtener un corazón de sabiduría. Salmo 90:12

May 6: Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... I will praise you, Lord with all my heart. Psalm 138:1 Prayer: Start out by saying this verse above and then begin to list all the good things you know about God... Lord, you are faithful, steady, strong...Amen. Fill your heart and mind with the goodness of God and praise him in all circumstances , you will see your attitude and perspective change for the better. ........................ Orando a través de las Escrituras ... Te alabaré, Señor con todo mi corazón. Salmo 138: 1 Oración: Comience diciendo este versículo anterior y luego comience a enumerar todas las cosas buenas que sabe acerca de Dios ... Señor, eres fiel, constante, fuerte ... Amén. Llena tu corazón y tu mente con la bondad de Dios y alábalo en todas las circunstancias, verás que tu actitud y perspectiva cambian para mejor.

Praying Through Scripture

Praying through Scripture... "God is within her, she will not fall." Psalm 46:5 Prayer: God, I know that you are within me and that as long as I follow you, you will not let me fall. You give me strength and courage. You hold my hand and direct my path. Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. ......................................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... "Dios está dentro de ella, ella no caerá". Salmo 46: 5 Oración: Dios, sé que estás dentro de mí y que mientras te siga, no me dejarás caer. Me das fuerza y coraje. Tu tomas mi mano y diriges mi camino. Gracias por nunca dejarme o abandonarme. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amén.

May 4, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8 The scriptures we share during the month of May are short and to the point. You can memorize them and incorporate them into your prayers. Prayer: Lord, create in me a clean and pure heart that I may see you at work in my life and in the world. Help me to remove distractions that cloud my vision and keep me from having a heart after you. ............................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... "Bienaventurados los puros de corazón, porque ellos verán a Dios". Mateo 5: 8 Las escrituras que compartimos durante el mes de mayo son breves y precisas. Puedes memorizarlos e incorporarlos a tus oraciones. Oración: Señor, crea en mí un corazón limpio y puro para que pueda verte trabajando en mi vida y en el mundo. Ayúdame a eliminar las distracciones que nublan mi visión y evita que tenga un corazón después de ti.

May 3, Praying Through Scripture

Praying through scripture... "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3 The scriptures we share during the month of May are short and to the point. You can memorize them and incorporate them into your prayers. Prayer: Lord, Help me to commit my plans to you and to see how you are working things out for my good. I know on my own I am limited in what I can do, but with your strength and power- I can do all the things you have called me to do. Thank you Lord for the success I will experience in your name. Amen. ..................................... Orando a través de las Escrituras ... "Comprométete con el Señor, hagas lo que hagas, y tus planes tendrán éxito". Proverbios 16: 3 Las escrituras que compartimos durante el mes de mayo son breves y precisas. Puedes memorizarlos e incorporarlos a tus oraciones. Oración: Señor, ayúdame a cometer mis planes contigo y a ver cómo estás trabajando para mi bien. Sé por mi cue...

You Speak

You Speak This song by Audrey Assad can help center your soul and surrender some of the anxiety and chaos that may be in your heart right now. You Speak, Audrey Assad You liberate me from my own noise and my own chaos From the chains of a lesser law You set me free You liberate me from my own noise and my own chaos From the chains of a lesser law You set me free In the silence of the heart You speak In the silence of the heart You speak And it is there that I will know You And You will know me In the silence of the heart You speak, You speak. You satisfy me till i am quiet and confident In the work of the Spirit I cannot see. You satisfy me till I am quiet and confident In the work of the Spirit I cannot see. In the silence of the heart You speak. Prayer: Lord, in the silence of my heart I come to you. Speak. This song is my prayer. Amen.